Early Childhood Systems Building in Kansas

Kansas received a federal planning grant to facilitate a collaborative effort to shape our state’s future direction for early childhood. This one-year planning grant authorized by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act will support:

  • The development of a comprehensive needs assessment & strategic plan for early childhood in Kansas
  • Activities to maximize parental choice and knowledge of early care and education options
  • The sharing of best practices among early childhood providers
  • Improvement of the overall quality of early childhood services

There are many ways you can getting involved, including:

Community Sensemaking Workshops
These sessions will help Kansas create a strategic plan for early childhood. Haga clic aquí para ver la página en Español.

Kansas Early Childhood Systems-Building Webinars
Webinars occur every other Wednesday at 12PM to inform and connect early childhood stakeholders across the state to this effort.  Participants are asked to register in advance (name and email) to ensure appropriate follow-up and that we are engaging voices from all across Kansas.

Share Your Experiences Through SenseMaker
By sharing stories of the challenges and bright spots families experience with a tool called SenseMaker, you help contribute to a richer understanding of what family resilience looks like in our state.


To learn more, visit Early Childhood Initiatives in Kansas 2019.