Resources for Parents and Home Visitors

Resources for Parents

Click image to explore each resource.

Bright Futures

This website provides resources to help you protect and promote your child's health.

March of Dimes

This website provides information on a variety of health topics related to maternal and child health.


This texting service provides free text messages to keep you and your baby healthy.

Healthy Children

This website provides support and guidance on physical, mental, and social health for newborns all the way to young adults.

Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition

This website provides a variety of information to promote and protect breastfeeding in Kansas.

Zero to Three

This website provides information and tools to promote your children's growth and development.

Help Me Grow

This website helps families access supports and services for the wellbeing of children.

Kansas Kidlink

This website provides information, referrals, and resources for children's mental health.

CDC Parent Info

This website provides support and guidance on a variety of related to maternal and child health.


This call line and resource directory provides 24/7, anonymous, judgment-free parenting support and information – no question is off limits!

Just In Time Parenting

This website provides information on a variety of health topics related to maternal and child health.

ChildCare Aware

This website provides referral information to families looking for child care programs that meet their needs.

Resources for home visitors

Click image to explore each resource.

Help Me Grow

This website helps families access supports and services for the wellbeing of children.

Open Doors

This multimedia tool is designed to support the day-to-day work of home visitors, home-based supervisors, and those who work with them.

Domestic Violence 101

This webinar educates home visitors on the warning signs, protective strategies, and other information related to domestic violence.

Marketing & Outreach

This webpage houses a collection of marketing materials home visiting programs can utilize to highlight the services they provide.

Toolkit on Homelessness

This toolkit is designed to educate home visiting programs on reaching families experiencing homelessness or families at risk of homelessness.

Toolkit on Cultural Awareness

The Cultural Awareness, Respect, and Engagement (C.A.R.E.) Toolkit was developed to assist home visitors in engaging and serving diverse populations and improving practice in cross-cultural settings.

Family Support

This brief from the PEW Charitable Trusts provides information about crafting the message on family support and coaching programs for diverse stakeholders.

Language Resources

This list provides free multi-language resources.

Goal Setting

These presentation slides provide an overview of goal setting in the PAT approach.

Responses to DV

These presentation slides provide information on improving domestic violence screening, referral, and safety plans with home visiting staff.