Initiation of Visit

It is important to determine the most preferred form of contact for the mother/family (phone call, text, email) as soon as possible. Make clear what form of contact will be used to schedule visits and to reach out with reminders and follow up. If someone other than the home visitor might be making the contact, inform the family.

Warm Handoffs

When accepting a referral for a prenatal or postpartum mother, best practice is for the home visitor to initiate an in-person meeting with the mother and referring partner to increase the opportunity for engagement.

Prenatal Visits

Prenatal visits should be initiated whenever possible.

  • When home visits are initiated prenatally, at least one prenatal and one postpartum visit should be conducted
  • Enhanced outreach practices improve chances of prenatal visits
  • Early access reduces risk and increases supports for mothers and family
  • It can be difficult to reach women during pregnancy. Partner with community organizations, clinics (e.g., WIC, health center, prenatal education providers) to promote home visiting and to increase access and referrals.

Postpartum Visits

Postpartum visits should be initiated within 2 weeks of the infant’s birth (or as soon as possible after notification of the infant’s birth)

  • When home visits are initiated postpartum, at least one postpartum visit should be conducted.