An important aspect of promoting population health has been the tradition of providing services to individual families in their homes. Home visits give a more accurate assessment of the family structure and behavior in the natural environment, while helping to identify barriers and supports for reaching family health goals. Participation of other family members in the household is supported, and observations in the home can also highlight potential need to address other issues such as developmental screening, immunizations, special health care needs.
Establishing Trust and Connection
Meeting the family on its home ground may contribute to their sense of control and active participation in planning and achieving health goals.
Phases/Activities of a Home Visit
Initiation Phase
- Identify source of referral for visit
- Clarify purpose for home visit
- Share information on reason and purpose of visit with family
Pre-Visit Phase
- Initiate contact with mother/family
- Establish shared perception of purpose with mother/family
- Determine mother/family’s willingness for home visit
- Schedule home visit
- Review referral and/or family record
In-Home Phase
- Introduction of self and identity
- Social interaction to establish rapport
- Establish relationship
- Implement educational materials and/or make referrals
Exit Phase
- Review visit with family
- Plan for future visits as needed
Post-Visit Phase
- Record visit and plan for next visit
- Follow-up with educational materials and/or referrals